
This link connects to three documents, none of which fits appropriately into either of the two primary collections. I have included them here because I could.

The first is a manuscript on Wandering the Corridors of Power, which reflects on my experiences in conducting 95 interviews with U.S. Representatives and Senators during the second half of 1969. The interviews, which provided the raw material for my doctoral dissertation, focused on the respondents' perceptions of and attitudes toward various forms of political protest activity that were so noteworthy during the 1960s. My goal, in brief, was to learn something about the political beliefs of the political elite.

The manuscript was written in 1971, as reflected by my use, in that pre-computer age, of my trusty Smith-Corona portable electric typewriter. Forty years later, I include the manuscript here for what it says about how the academic study of Congress has changed, and how the opportunities for studying it also have changed. Today it would be foolhardy to even contemplate interviewing a random sample of so many Representatives and Senators. In fact, I once suggested-in jest, I think-that Congress should create a Joint Committee on Congressional Research, with randomly-selected members who would respond to all mail questionnaires and requests for interviews.

The second is A Game Theoretical Approach to the Legislative Process that was published in Polity (v. IV, n. 4) in 1972, well before the first of the documents found in the two primary collections on this website. It reflects how I tried to interest undergraduates in the congressional appropriations process during my brief academic career. Once, while doing so, my classroom was visited by one of my senior colleagues, Loren (Larry) Beth, who happened to be the editor of Polity at the time and who also had a sense of humor as strange as my own. At his suggestion, I transformed my scribbled lecture notes into what became this article, which was published only after Dick Fenno assured me that he was not offended by it.

The article pre-dated by two years the enactment of the Congressional Budget Act, which began the transformation of what already was a complicated process into one that became so Byzantine that I discovered I could not track properly it without focusing on it to the exclusion of everything else about Congress. Today the more appropriate metaphor for the budget process might be its very own form of chaos theory.

The third and final "extra" is my much more recent essay, Divided Loyalties: Early Memories of Chicago Baseball, which I include as a reminder that there is more to life than Congress and other national assemblies.

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